Twitter Current Track Autoposter
The Twitter Auto Poster will automatically send out a custom Tweet every X amount of tracks that play on your online radio station. Choose from 2 to 500 tracks between Tweets. View auto poster status on the dragable dashboard widget. Unlimited Tweets, Includes artist image in each Tweet (optional)
Create your Custom Tweets using special codes, for example to include the currently playing song in your Tweet, type ##SONG##.
Other shortcodes include
##ARTIST## (current artist)
##ARTISTIMAGE## (current artist image)
##LOCATION## (station homebase)
##LISTENERS## (amount of active listeners)
##SHOW## (current event or show)
##STATION## (station name)
##DJNAME## (current Dj)
##TEMP## (current local temperature)
##WEATHER## (current local weather conditions)
##WEATHERALERT## (current weather alerts)
Each of your Tweets will have a type of emulator view so you can see exactly what your Tweet will look like. You can store as many Tweets as you like, when track X plays, one will be posted at random to your Twitter feed.
Access to the Twitter is free, however you'll need to create your API keys in the Twitter Developer Portal
Live Demo
Visit our Twitter page and look for the currently playing posts. While you can set your auto poster to post anywhere between 1 and 500 tracks, we have ours set to post every 10.
Myautodj on Twitter Live Autoposter Demo
Auto poster includes a admin dashboard widget to keep track of the auto poster status and track count.